Thank you to our generous donors for your ongoing support and investment in BBYO. Through the BBYO Honor Society, Legacy Society, or Advisory Councils, your gift enables more teens to form meaningful connections to Judaism—while growing into the leaders of our communities today and tomorrow.


Members of BBYO’s Honor Society support BBYO with a gift of $1,800 or more annually—maximizing their impact on the lives of thousands of Alephs and BBGs while ensuring the long-term growth and stability of our global Movement.


Anonymous Donor (2)

Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies

David and Inez Myers Foundation

Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation

The Jewish Education Project

Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit

Jim Joseph Foundation

Koum Family Foundation

Maimonides Fund

The Marcus Foundation, Inc.

Michael and Andrea Leven Family Foundation

The Paul E. Singer Foundation

Theodore and Harriette Perlman

UJA Federation of Jewish Philanthropies - NY

Stacy Schusterman

Lonnie Wulfe

LEADERS CIRCLE | $50,000-$99,999


The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore

Conduit Foundation

Friends of BBYO, Inc.

Greater Miami Jewish Federation

Jewish Federation of Cleveland

Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City

Marvin Glyder

Elliott and Estee Portnoy

Andrew and Ruth Suzman

PARTNERS CIRCLE | $25,000-$49,999

Paul and Alice Baker

Barbara Epstein Foundation

Farrah Berse

David Brown and Suzanne Muchin

Lois Kohn-Claar and Gary Claar

Tatarko-Cohen Foundation

Sender Cohen

The Eleanor and Herbert Katz Family Foundation

Genesis Philanthropy Group

Gordon Jewish Community Center

Marc and Diane Greenwald

Giving | Grousbeck Fazzalari

Howard and Geraldine Polinger Family Foundation

Jewish Education Center of Cleveland

Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas

Jewish Federation of Greater Houston

Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia

Jewish Federation of Greater Washington

Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey

Memphis Jewish Federation

Adean Mills

Bruce and Randi Pergament

Steven and Tina Price

Rosalie And Billy B. Goldberg Endowment Fund

Rose Community Foundation

Eileen Ruby

Marc and Joan Saperstein

Howard and Diane Schilit

Wilf Family Foundation

Howard and Diane Wohl

GUARDIANS CIRCLE | $18,000-$24,999


Daniel M. Soref Charitable Trust

Fred Isaac

Jewish Federation of Broward County

Jewish Federation of Greater Naples

Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati

Joseph and Harvey Meyerhoff Family Charitable Funds

Lawrence Horowitz Family Endowment Fund at the Jewish Community Foundation of Broward County

Libitzky Family Foundation

Ruth Perlman

Staenberg Family Foundation

MENTORS CIRCLE | $10,000-$17,999

Anonymous (2)

Aaron Grossman

B'nai B'rith Lodge #339

Jonathan Anschell and Abigail Goldman

Belle Chazen Fund

Gary and Carol Berman

Steven Caller

Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston

Daniel and Rochelle Snyder BBYO Endowment Fund

David and Janis Finer

Robert and Rachel Gebaide

Gilead-Memorial-Shofar Lodge Mitzvah Fund

Gloria Gray Foundation

Harold Grinspoon Foundation

Andy and Jennifer Grossman

Harri Hoffman Family Foundation Inc.

Hartford Foundation For Public Giving

Jonathan and Rachel Hoffer

Jack and Goldie Wolfe Miller Fund

The Jacob & Hilda Blaustein Fund for the Enrichment of Jewish Education at the Associated

Gary and Jerri-Ann Jacobs

Jewish Community Federation of the Greater East Bay

Jewish Community Federation of Richmond

Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte

Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford

Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle

Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago

Jewish Federation of St. Louis

Greg and Tracy Kalik

Alex and Rebekah Klipper

Lasko Family Foundation

Bruce and Karen Levenson

Sam Levine and Laurie Blitzer

Loeb Family Charitable Foundation

Erik and Jill Maschler

Todd and Linda Maurer

Morse Family Foundation

Philip Chosky Charitable and Education Foundation

Arthur and Anita Polott

Steven Richman and Jodi Schwartz

Stephen and Kim Rosen

Elliot and Martha Rothman

Steven and Robin Rotter

Lewis and Sandy Schneider

Ajay Shroff and Meka Millstone-Shroff

Sandra Sisisky

Walter and Terri Solomon

Robert and Hilary Steinman

AMBASSADORS CIRCLE | $5,000-$9,999

Anonymous (2)

Abraham J Cohen Family Charitable Foundation

Albert and Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation

Brian and Elise Barish

Jay Bernhardt

B'nai B'rith Food Industry Lodge Foundation, Inc.

Stuart and Jill Bombel

Neil and Marcy Cohen

Daniel and Ethel Hamburger Music Fund

Paul and Susan Danziger

Michael Dockterman

Federation for Jewish Philanthropy of Upper Fairfield County

Maury and Nancy Fertig

Frieda and Leon Steinberg Charitable Foundation

Jennifer Gilbert-Kaufmann and Rob Kaufmann

Kevin and Rachel Glazer

Matthew and Melissa Grossman

Andrew and Amy Herman

Andy and Christy Horwitz

Dr. Irwin A. Solow BBYO Endowment Fund

Jewish Federation of Delaware

Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven

Jewish Federation of Howard County

Jewish Federation of Raleigh-Cary

Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven

Lewis and Elyse Kalmans

Evan Kass

Donna Kaufman

James and Leatrice Keller

Kranzberg Family Foundation

Michael and Mimi Kress

Bruce and Leslie Lane

Leo & Rhea Fay Fruhman Foundation

Sara Littauer and Oren Schwartz

The Louise D. & Morton J. Macks Center for Jewish Education

Staci Marlowe

Marsha Lilien Gladstein Foundation

Guy and Michal Miasnik

MJS Packaging

NFP | The Meltzer Group

Craig and Randi Price

Raymond and Gertrude R. Saltzman Foundation

Philip Rosenberg

Jamie and Cyndi Rosenthal

Barry and Dana Sandweiss

Sara Lee Begun Endowment Fund

Max and Lynn Schrayer

Adam and Carolyn Schrier

Shaol and Evelyn Pozez Endowment

Stanley B. Farbstein Endowment

Faye Steinberg

Phyllis Tabachnick

Temple Shalom of Naples

Theba and Buster Feldman Family Philanthropic Fund

Theodore Pincus Endowment

Josh and Stephanie Weismer

Alan and Giselle Weissman

Josh Wertlieb and Rebecca Light

Jason Yelowitz

Henry Zachs

Scott and Mauri Zemachson

Jeff and Lauren Zlotky

FRIENDS CIRCLE | $1,800-$4,999

Daniel and Wendi Abramowitz

The Alfred Wohl Family Foundation

Gideon and Amy Alpert

Zeff Kesher Foundation

Jodi Asarch

David Baker

Michael and Meredith Baumstein

Jarrod Beck

Erran Berger

Debbie Berman

Kevin and Devorah Berman

Charleston Jewish Federation

Claire Blumenthal

B’nai B’rith Harvest Lodge

Ross Born

Brogan & Partners

Randy and Michelle Brunschwig

Charleston JCC Foundation

Andrew and Abby Cherner

Michael Clarfeld and Tamar Huberman

Stephen Daoust and Michelle Birnbaum

Lawrence and Suzi Dell

Rob and Jill Dulitsky

Richard Eidinger

Estate of Edward Saltzberg

Sheryl Etelson

Karin Fine

The Flo Harris Foundation

Jason and Jacqueline Friedland

Aryeh and Debi Furst

Nicholas Ginsberg

Lander and Kari Gold

Susan Goldsmith

Mark and Audrey Goldstein

Google Matching Gifts Program

Adam and Allison Grant

Jesse Grushack

Jordan and Wendy Handler

Arnold and Nina Harris

Larry and Sue Hochberg

Alison Hoffer

Stephen and Amy Hoffman

Shana Honig Horowitz

David and Jill Hulnick

Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City

Jewish Community Foundation of Southern New Jersey

Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona

Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ

Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh

Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County


Jules L. & Dorothy M. Kamsly Fund

Lawrence Kaplan

Michael and Irina Karbachinskiy

Jacqueline Kauff

David and Judy Kaufman

George and Janet King

Gary and Debbie Kohler

Elise and Jaime Kosofsky

Robert and Lori Krolik

Lance and Traci Kugler

Scott and Laura Kupor

Charles and Linda Lax

Seth and Karen Lerner

Sarah Levenson

Adam and Kimberly Levy

Richard Lieberman and Helene Weisz

Amir and Sigalle Michael

Microsoft Giving Campaign

Lee and Sheryl Miller

Randy and Lynn Morgan

Judith Neidenberg

Maxwell Peltz

Guy and Miriam Peri

Liat and Kerry Perlman

Jonathan and Lisa Perlmutter

Neil and Karen Pinsky

Pledgeling Foundation

Powers Distributing Company, Inc

Rachel B. Banks Youth Fund

Mordechai and Eynat Rafalin

Manuel and Debbie Rajunov

Rod Brown L'chaim Fund

Michael and Ilene Rosen

Bruce and Suzanne Rosenblum

Jared and Lisa Rothberger

Mark and Shelly Rubenfire

Joel and Andrea Rubnitz

Emily Sax Bender

Steve and Cheryl Schanes

Jason Scheinthal

Dan and Patty Schwab

Sheila Schwartz

David and Susie Sherman

Arik Shteinhauz

Scott Silver

Sonnie Schepps Robinson Foundation

Suzanne Steinberg

Jeffrey and Jody Steren

Brian Sterling

Scott and Pam Swerdloff

Neil and Lisa Wallack

Craig and Cathy Weiss

Bernie and Janyse Weisz

Rob and Lisi Wolf

Douglas and Margo Woll

The Wuliger Family II Philanthropic Fund

Marc Yudkoff and Mona Goldman Yudkoff

Jonathan and Leora Zabusky

Rebecca Zelenka


BBYO is deeply grateful to individuals and families who have included provisions for BBYO in their wills or estates.

Anonymous (3)

Steve and Carol Aaron

Amanda Babbitt

Martin and Rachael Badt

Aaron Berken and Heather Polan Berken

Michael and Karen Bernstein

Mark Bilsky

Bradley and Kathy Bernstein Endowment Fund

David Brown and Suzanne Muchin

Lauren Brownstein

Allan and Susan Carneol

Jenni Chudnow

David Cohn

Cobi Edelson Cohen

Marc and Robyn Eiseman

Brian Feiges and Tamar Kelber

Lawrence and Melissa Feldmesser

Ben and Deb Fendrich

Douglas Finegood

Nancy Finegood

Brad and Lori Fishel

Arthur and Leona Fleischer

Jeremy Freedman and Judith Finer-Freedman

Mark and Linda Freedman

Ari and Jennifer Friedman

Donald and Joyce Friedman

Steve and Marla Frydman

Robert and Rachel Gebaide

Joseph and Sharon Giannotti

Nicholas Ginsberg

Marvin Glyder

Fred and Marjory Goldman

Susan Goldsmith

Bernie and Lenora Goldstein

Shel and Ellen Goldstein

Bruce and Tammy Gorosh

Sheila Greenwald

Matthew and Melissa Grossman

John and Heidi Hassenfeld

Scott and Jocelyn Hurwitz

Jonah and Grace Kaplan

Jackie Karr

Hank and Marcie Katzen

David and Joan Kazan

Shaul and Pam Kelner

Howard and Leslie Kirshner

Leo and Donna Kleiner

Stephen and Leslye Lapidus

Michael and Audrey Laufer

Marvin and Marlene Lauwasser

Paul Lebovitz

Ralph and Randi Levy

Tobias and Cheryl Libber

Paul Loewenstein and Jody Kaufman Loewenstein

Ted and Julie Lookatch

David and Rachael Marks

Stanley Meretsky

Judy and Michael Metzman

Nelson and Joyce Migdal

James and Felicia Miller

Ron and Susan Miller

Steven Morrison and Goldie Kadushin

Cheryl and Mitch Moser

Daniel Moskovitz and Sharon Mishler

Lee Notowich

Joe and Maxine Perlen

Theodore and Harriette Perlman

David Plavnick

Jay and Jill Plavnick

Elliott and Estee Portnoy

Steven and Tina Price

Steven and Esther Remer

Stephen and Kim Rosen

Michael Rosenberg

Carla Rosenthal

Jonathan and Iris Rotker

Jonathan and Sheryl Rubin

Eileen Ruby

Stefanie Sager

Marc and Joan Saperstein

Rose Saperstein

Hannah Sattler

Nat Sattler

Gerald Schwartz

Talia Schwartz

Jeff Schwarz and Melinda Swartz

Michael and Debbie Scribner

Stacy Schusterman

Mark and Sharon Shapiro

Arthur and Michele Siegal

Wayne and Jordan Silverman

Walter and Terri Solomon

Marshall Spinner and Paula Goldman-Spinner

Jason Steigman and Dori Frankel-Steigman

Mike Stein and Terri Peckerman-Stein

Lisa Strause Levinson

Phyllis Tabachnick

Zabrina Tamarkin

Steven Titlebaum

Scott and Michelle Wales

Russell and Samantha Walsh

Helene Weisz

Howard and Diane Wohl

Lonnie Wulfe

John Yopps and Melissa Chudnow

Leonard and Karen Zukrow

Susan Zukrow

Yoni Zvi


Maximizing the critical role of BBYO in supporting teen wellness and inclusion, women’s leadership, and the parent experience, Advisory Council members guide and inform BBYO’s efforts in their local communities and worldwide.


Gabbi Baker

Farrah Berse

Claire Blumenthal

Diane Greenwald

Rebecca Hanai

Debbie Hochberg

Alison Hoffer

Shana Honig Horowitz

Tracy Kalik

Tracey Katz

Rebekah Klipper

Hayley Krolik

Rebecca Light

Sara Littauer

Sydney Maisel-Straitman

Jill Maschler

Meka Millstone-Shroff

Eryn Morgenlander

Ruth Perlman

Anita Polott

Samara Rudolph

Jessica Rush

Dana Sandweiss

Emily Sax Bender

Diane Schilit

Jodi Schwartz

Hilary Steinman

Amber Weinberger

Stephanie Weismer

Giselle Weissman

Erica Winsor

Mauri Zemachson

Lauren Zlotky


Jennifer Gilbert-Kaufmann

Amy Herman

Rachel Hoffer

Lewis and Elyse Kalmans

Staci Marlowe

Randi Pergament

Randi Price

Carolyn Schrier

Scott Silver

Rob Wolf


Jonathan Anschell

Dina Gluck

Jennifer Grossman

Jenna Kress

Mimi Kress

Courtney Mizel

Koby Mymon

Sarina Natkin

Michael Oxman

Adam Quigley

Shauna Ruda